The Super Detailed Root Canal

Lab Synth's Root Canal Lego MOC 01

Fantasy and Castle based MOCs are usually extremely limited in their color palette. Mostly gray, green and brown. It always seems that you cannot have enough of these colors. But, every once in a while an MOC comes out that explodes with color. This is Root Canal, created by Lab Synth.

“Root Canal takes its name from the old tree that adorns its small plaza (some say its double entendre is an ironic allusion to the pain one feels when learning about the prices of its palaces).
It is made of a tight succession of palaces, whose proprietors strive to maintain in tip top shape in a sort of non verbal competition that neighbors of the area like to have between them. The richer the material the better, leading to some extravagant decorations and architectural details.

Although direct access to the canal was originally intended for deliveries to be stored easily in the palaces’ grounds, they are now mainly used as recreative ways to arrive, by boat, to one of the prestigious parties that make Root Canal glimmer and sing until the wee hours of the night.”

Lab Synth's Root Canal Lego MOC 02

Check out Root Canal, by Lab Synth over on Flickr:

Lab Synth's Root Canal Lego MOC 03

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