To make Lego toast you just need to add some heat and magic to bread. Or, you can pull your Minifigure legs apart, whichever is easier. This Lego MOC is created by Ted Andes and is titled “Boom! Toasted!” The little scene was built for the latest Iron Builders challenge, which has been extremely popular in the last few days. The goal is to use Minifigure legs / pants in unexpected ways. This scene features a classic toaster doing what it does best, making Lego toast. The light tan Minifigure legs represent a loaf of bread surprisingly well, and the detail of the toasted bread turning into dark tan Minifigure legs is perfect. The only thing missing is a stick of butter.
Check out this Lego MOC, called “Boom! Toasted!” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ted_andes/49838829498/