A blank page. It could be the beginning of a novel, a new journal, a secret diary, a life study, even a comic page, or it could be a giant ink blot. An all too common problem, even for Lego calligraphy. This Lego MOC is called “Blot” and is the work of Milk Mocer. It features a writting desk, a blank book, pen and ink, a pencil, and an eraser. All the tools need to start your next project. Now is a perfect time to practice your Lego calligraphy. The pen is made up of a bunch of the clicky hinge pieces for the handle, and claws for the pen nib. The book has a great shape made with slopes. Everything here is built using SNOT techniques. For some reason the pink 1×1 round really stand out as the pencil eraser, simple and perfect.
Check out this Lego MOC called “Blot” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143317337@N07/49761787258/