Built by grubaluk, this Lego MOC is called “Homer’s Home Office Assistant.” It is a reference to the classic episode from The Simpsons titled King Size Homer. Season 7 Episode 7. There is the Drinking Bird, which Homer uses to automate his job. By bouncing up and down the Bird keeps pressing the keyboard, which ends up tripling his productivity. The other office assistant is Snowball II. The cat that seems to be always hanging around. This Lego Snowball II is an extremely accurate build compared to the cartoon. The bright colors, and smooth (SNOT) techniques are all excellently done. As the safety inspector, can Homer Simpson keep the Nuclear Power Plant operating?
Check out “Homer’s Home Office Assistant” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/10098915@N07/49691061912/
Also check out other Simpsons MOCs over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/the-simpsons/