Aliens always seem to want to meet the leader. What happens when they do? In countless movies/films it means doom. This Lego MOC of a United States Capital Building Alien Invasion is created by Lame Boy. It is a great example of taking an existing Lego set (in this case the United States Capitol Building 21030) and upgrading it into something that is your own. A few well placed giant Lego flames create the expected destruction. And, the invading alien ships are the retro saucer kind. Held up with some flexible tubing. A couple smoke clouds finish the mod, and a bit of image editing skills help to hide their supports. The end result would fit right in with any B movie special effects production.
You can find more of this Alien Invasion Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lameboyshit/50038848396/