Every pirate captain needs a ship, even undead ones. This cute “Zombie Pirate Ship” is the creation of Lego 7. A tiny personal pirate ship that has been converted for land based travel. This mini build has a lot of features packed in. Besides the wheels, there are mini cannons, a mast and crows nest, the required pirate flag, and even a little captains quarters. A few fun Lego parts you can find in this build include a broom stick, the clips being used for a rudder, and the Minifigure pail/bucket used for the crows nest. Even the sails are brick built. Don’t tell the zombie captain but his ship wheel probably doesn’t turn so well…

You can see more of this tiny “Zombie Pirate Ship” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lego7/25252623286/