Sometimes you get a crazy idea and just happen to have the rights tools to make that idea a reality. Over at Mantis Hacks they started with the idea to recreate a Technic Go-Kart model at five times the normal scale. The end result was huge but still not large enough for a human to use. For round two they made a few modifications and increased the scale to 8.34. After a lot of 3D printing (3 different printers!) and a lot of patience the Lego model was ready to go. A little bit of help with some glue and a few steel pieces the finished Go-Kart looks great. All the bits and pieces fit together, steering works, and the wheels turn. With a few planned modifications the Lego Go-Kart will eventually get an electric motor.

Check out the full Lego Go-Kart YouTube video showing how everything was made and put together below or over here: https://youtu.be/Ae7XLg3RFWY