This Lego Mecha, also known as “LHB-025 Dvergr,” is created by Ryuhei Kawai. And, the robot is ready battle. It comes equipped with a huge energy axe, a few small guns, and missiles. Most importantly it comes with its own backup, two little cars equipped with cannons. Each car is slightly different, if you notice the cannons have different colors. The blue car is optimized to be as light as possible. While the yellow vehicle is more armored, but presumably slower than the other. The mecha on the other hand looks like a tank. With huge arms, and relatively small feet. A very solid build that does not look fragile. If LHB-025 Dvergr somehow becomes unbalanced its backup will cause a distraction, until things can get back up and running.

You can find more photos of this Lego Mecha “LHB-025 Dvergr” by Ryuhei Kawai over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kwi-chang/49842553478/
Lego robots are some of the most creative builds, you can check out a whole lot more on EveryDayBricks over here: http://everydaybricks.com/category/robots-2/