The Legend of Zelda: Hylian Shield

Bolt Of Blue’s Hylian Shield from the Legend of Zelda

Although Twilight Princess is not the most memorable game in the Zelda franchise, it is the basis for one of the most memorable Lego MOC. The Legend of Zelda and Lego are a perfect fit. There are many advanced techniques when building with Lego, ways of putting the pieces together that Lego has never documented in an instruction manual. A perfect example of this is Link’s Hylian Shield. Just look at the detail put into creating the complicated pattern on the front. Yep, those are crowbars, space helmets, crabs, dragon helmets, fans, fezzes, and even ray guns all in the red bird motif.

Make sure to check out the Bolt of Blue’s Hylian Shield on Flickr. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to play A Link to the Past.

Bolt Of Blue’s Hylian Shield from the Legend of Zelda Detail