Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

There are lots of things Lego can do. One thing it is good at is being incredibly strong. Have you ever tried breaking a Lego brick? They are so tough, that some people think you can build a house with Lego, and some do not. A good question to put to the test is: Can Lego Break A Steel Axle? Thats just what the people at Brick Experiment Channel over on YouTube have found out. They did the homework, and all the Math. And, even a series of tests with Technic beams and pieces in which they apply a surprising amount of torque. All working towards the question, can Lego break steel? You will have to check out the video to see what happens…

Can Lego Break A Steel Axle Maths

Check out the embedded video below or over here: