Lego revealed some new details about their upcoming Super Mario theme. The bluetooth enabled Mario figure will be getting a variety of Power-Up Packs. These represent a small selection of the various suits that Mario has worn through the years. There is the original power up, the Fire Suit from Super Mario Bros (1985). A bit more recent is the Propeller Suit form the New Super Mario Bros (2009). The Cat Suit from Super Mario 3D World (2013). And the most recent, the Builder Suit which first appeared in Super Mario Maker (2015). Each one of these power ups give the Lego Mario some new powers. For instance the Cat Suit lets Mario earn coins by climbing up walls. It also seems that these packs also include unique sounds and animations. If this theme takes off the next round of Power-Ups should be interesting. Something from Super Mario Odyssey perhaps? Lego has a release date set for August 1st for these, so get saving now!
You can watch and learn more about these Power Ups and the Mario Suits below or over here: https://youtu.be/poS9QqFSTuo