There is something about a train that can capture the heart and imagination. Offering a scenic ride through mountains, forests, farms, and cities. Trains are often a more relaxing way to travel. Even commuter trains tend to put their riders to sleep with their rhythmic movement along the tracks. As a way to combat anxiety, Elemental_Lego built this Lego MOC, called “Train Ride.” An imagining of a steam train rolling through a forest in the midst of fall, crossing across a calm lake. This is an excellent Lego build. The microscale train ride uses some surprising Lego pieces. The most interesting is the Unikitty Lego scarf, repurposed as steam exhaust. Then there is the forest being a variety of hairbrushes, blades, unicorn horns, and other miscellaneous horns. The whole scene is tied together with a well built black base. Now where can a Minifigure or Microfigure buy a ticket?
Check out and relax with this Lego microscale “Train Ride” over here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B97VTz_JkG6/